Featured Local Artists at the Harbor Gallery
Featured Local Artists: Bruce Beiber, Annette Patton and Meghan Kolk
The Harbor Gallery is pleased to announce their featured local artists for the month of May. Woodcarver Bruce Beiber, painter Annette Patton and nature artist Meghan Kolk will display their works for the month of May. All artwork is for sale, with a portion of sales going to support the Nature Center of Cape May. “There are so many talented local artists! All of our meet the artists receptions will be on the first Friday of each month.” Explains Gretchen Whitman, Sanctuary Director. “We are encouraging art and nature lovers to come and meet our artists from 4-6pm on first Fridays and then head over to The Gallery at Ferry Park for their artists’ opening reception which runs from 5-7pm on first Fridays as well.” The show will remain on exhibit at the Harbor Gallery for the month of May. The Nature Center will follow all CDC Covid safety guidelines.
Bruce Beiber has been carving and painting birds and fish out of white cedar for over 50 years. Bruce became interested in decoys in his late teens. He taught himself to carve by carefully observing other carvers. Bruce has lived in Cape May for most of his life. Annette Pattoncame to Cape May more recently in 2020 from Margate. After working and raising four children, Annette has now been able to devote her time to painting. A self-taught artist with a great attention to detail, she paints the realistic features of Bruce’s birds and fish, often taking days to finish one piece. Annette also creates beach inspired art.
Meghan Kolk’s multi-media artwork is inspired by her passion for birds, the beach, and wildlife conservation. In her career as a wildlife biologist, she works to conserve endangered species that depend on the beach for their survival. Meghan uses natural items collected from the wrack line, such as shells, stones, and driftwood to create her pieces, demonstrating the connection between the birds and their habitat. She hopes to inspire others to respect and protect the fragile coastal habitat and the wildlife that live there.
*opening reception to meet the artists on May 6th from 4-6pm. Light refreshments will be served.
The Harbor Gallery will feature two local artists each month with an opening reception on the first Friday of the month. June’s exhibit will feature the work of Janet Payne and Johnny Glogowski.