This may not be a typical holiday season, but Cape May still has plenty of ways to celebrate.

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This may not be a typical holiday season, but Cape May still has plenty of ways to celebrate.
I asked my grandmother when they started taking me to Cape May. She said I had to be about four or five years old, that my grandfather—-I called him pop-pop—-had always wanted to live here and loved the water. They would stay at Seashore Campground to be as close as they could to town. She… Read more »
I went around town last week to photograph a few spring flowers that are starting to bloom. As I was out, I could hear the birds chirping and a few squirrels rummaging around. Hope you enjoy these pictures!
A few of my favorite spots in town are a little quieter than normal. As I walked around to take these pictures, I saw a few cars driving around and people peppered on the beach. The spring air felt great with the warm breeze and sunshine hitting my face. Normally on a day like this,… Read more »
We had light snowfall early this morning. Please enjoy these pictures as our photographer Michelle Giorla takes you around town. Can you name each street as she snaps away? is made with love by the team at Cape Publishing
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