High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Tag: This is Cape May

For Ghosts, Halloween is Just a Nightmare

For ghosts, Halloween isn’t just a bad dream, it’s a nightmare. Americans seem to be obsessed with ghosts and hauntings, especially this time of the year. We talk about them. We write about them. We chase them with meters and equipment, probing and prodding, searching all of their safe hiding places until we find them.… Read more »

Ghosts Still Touring Cape May

The Ghosts of the Lighthouse Trolley Tour continues this weekend. Board a MAC trolley and dare to take an evening tour down the ghostly path that leads to the Cape May Lighthouse. You’ll hear and experience Craig McManus’ paranormal findings during your journey. Once you reach your destination, you’ll feel the presence of the spirits… Read more »

The Ghosts of Higbee Beach

The fall is when we start thinking about back to school, back to work after vacations, and the changing seasons and upcoming holidays. Those of us who love the paranormal also start thinking about ghosts and hauntings. However, Halloween is not the exclusive haunting season for ghosts. Ghosts exist right along with the living year… Read more »