High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

Lima Bean Fest 2012

 The lowly legume gets the attention it so deserves once a year at the West Cape May Lima Bean Festival. Organizers could not have had better weather and people came by the throngs to Wilbraham Park to buy Lima Bean soup, t-shirts, potter and ear rings and so much more. Originally organized to celebrate the… Read more »

Oktoberfest 2012

The Jackson Street Oktoberfest was held on  Saturday, September 29. It was a beautiful day and a great way to enjoy it. Beer, oompahpah band music and tons of vendors selling their wares and yummy food and treats. Everyone walks back with a  smile – we’re sure the beer helps – but no matter the… Read more »

Judging a quilt by its cover

Not many marriages are perfect, but one exception might be for the one between creativity and practicality. Among the offspring of this union, one of the most beloved is the American quilt.