High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

Polar Bear Plunge 2014

The Polar Bear Plunge for Special Olympics New Jersey took place in Wildwood Saturday, January 18. More than 900 registered at the Wildwoods Convention Center. Each participant pledges $100 or more to take a brazen romp into the chilly waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Are they crazy? Crazy generous. Donations totaled $188,170.

Christmas Eve at USCG Training Base, Cape May

The 187 recruits at Cape May’s Training Center for the United States Coast Guard were the beneficiaries of the Jersey Cape Military Spouses’ Club ‘s Adopt-a-Recruit program. Now in its third year, the wives gather together a few days before and stuff stockings for the recruits filled with gift cards, hair gel, other necessities, some… Read more »