High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

Escape the Cape 2016 Triathlon

On the morning of Sunday June 12th, in Cape May NJ, 1,750 participants jumped off the ferry into the Delaware Bay in the “Escape the Cape” Triathlon. Voted the “Best Triathlon” in the Mid-Atlantic & Northeast Regions, and in 2014 named the “Best of Competitor,” this morning’s competition started with some very challenging waters and… Read more »

Cape May Restaurant Week kicks off

Cape May Restaurant Week kicked off yesterday and runs through June 12. If you’ve never taken part in our annual event, this is a great year to try it. How does it work? Visit any of our 27 participating restaurants. The dates and times are listed on the event website, though nearly all of them… Read more »

Who’s New, Who’s Moved, Who’s Gone 2016

Another year, another wave of fresh faces, familiar names in new locations, and old favorites closing their doors. Here is our annual roundup. If you’ve driven into town lately, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that Rotary Park on Lyle Lane is being completely renovated. Workers demolished the old gazebo and cleared the lot to make way for… Read more »

Washington Street Mall Spring Sidewalk Sale

This weekend is the annual Washington Street Mall Spring Sidewalk Sale (wow–that’s a mouthful). Now through Sunday, browse outdoor displays offering deals on clothing, accessories, and gifts. While all of the shops are independently owned and operated, the official sale hours are 9am to 7pm. Please remember that the parking meters are on. Due to… Read more »

Rotary Park’s new fountain arrives

Michelle wandered by the Rotary Park construction site today and heard whispers about the new fountain. She asked where it was and they directed her to Public Works, where she got this photo! The fountain should be in place around four weeks from now, weather permitting.