High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Montreal Beach Resort turns 50

In celebration of their 50th anniversary, Montreal Beach Resort worked with Hawk Haven to create a signature chardonnay, Chateau Montreal. Hawk Haven bottled the limited-edition wine yesterday, just forty cases in total. Try a glass this summer at Harry’s of Cape May, or pick up a bottle at The Wine Cellar this upcoming season. Congratulations… Read more »

A Valentine’s Day Proposal

We just received this story and wanted to share! Congrats to David and Megan. “My niece’s boyfriend just proposed to her today (2/14) on the beach at Beach/Brooklyn Avenues. He wrote in the sand WILL U MARRY ME?” – submitted by Barbara Parker

Ice Ball raises $200k for city beautification

The second annual Ice Ball, a fundraiser for the Fund for Cape May, raised over $200,000 that will go toward city beautification projects. Congress Hall hosted 300 guests (including us!) for dinner and dancing, transforming their ballroom and Grand Lawn into a winter fantastyland: solo flute, servers dashing about in white earmuffs, flickering candles suspended… Read more »

The Stephen Smith House

The Stephen Smith house has stood at 645 Lafayette Street for nearly 170 years. Maybe you’ve walked past it. Maybe you’ve read the plaque out front that offers a brief summary of Smith’s life. But you might not realize that he was a key figure in the pre-Civil War Underground Railroad. Smith was born into… Read more »

Love Cape May Weekend

One of the most common questions we receive during the off-season is “What is there to do in Cape May right now?” There’s a funny misconception that winter means we close our doors–all of them. I’ve been asked, more times than I can count, if Cape May is open in the winter months. That’s one… Read more »