High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

Local favorite Mayer’s Tavern reopens in Cape May

In a small town, a text received ten minutes prior to the official opening of a business counts as “word of mouth.” The iconic Mayer’s Tavern, having undergone a total renovation and under new ownership (by the Laudemans of Lobster House fame) opened for business at 5pm last night, and the word of mouth worked—the… Read more »

Victorian Towers gets a little TLC

Victorian Towers, at the corner of Washington and Ocean streets, is receiving some TLC! In addition to new windows, the building is being re-sided with new trim. Victorian Towers was constructed as part of the $3.2 million, 77-acre Victorian Village Urban Renewal Project approved in 1965. Over 100 properties were demolished in order to create… Read more »

Fill ‘er up soon at the Exit Zero Filling Station

Framing for the new Exit Zero Filling Station on Sunset Boulevard in West Cape May is well underway. The restaurant will have “a soaring ceiling – nearly 35 feet high, with floor to ceiling white-wood fireplace,” said Jack Wright, editor and publisher of Exit Zero. Once completed, the Exit Zero Cookhouse will share the new… Read more »