High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Holiday Recipes

PRIME RIB OF BEEF Perhaps the most impressive and traditional of all Christmas meals is the Prime Rib of Beef. It may also be the most difficult to get just right — beautifully dark and crusty on the outside, pink and juicy on the in. Letting the meat rest inside the oven after roasting is… Read more »

Postcards from Cape May

CapeMay.com’s first in a series of “Postcards from Cape May” is from the classic collection of Don and Pat Pocher, to whom we are indeed grateful. A wider selection has been published in their book, Cape May in Vintage Postcards, one of Arcadia Publishing’s “Images of America” series. The accompanying descriptive text is mostly from that book.

Not home, but as close as can be…for now

Thurm Corson had to hold back tears when he met Cheyenne. It had been a while since he’d seen any dog, let alone his own at home in Maine and the simple wag of the Labrador’s tail and the slurp of her tongue on his smoothly-shaven face brought forth all the bittersweet emotions of the… Read more »