Every year, we ask you to pick your favorites from our most popular feature, Picture of the Day. The votes came in, and here are the winning photographs from 2008.

The CapeMay.com blog
Every year, we ask you to pick your favorites from our most popular feature, Picture of the Day. The votes came in, and here are the winning photographs from 2008.
Food and holidays often become intertwined with the original connection lost through time. It is doubtful that the Pilgrims and Native Americans dined on turkey at the first Thanksgiving, but I challenge you to serve something else on the fourth Thursday in November. It is also doubtful that any of the three St. Valentines that… Read more »
February is a special month and the shortest on the calendar. The hours of daylight get a bit longer each day. Buds and other plants begin to quicken and suddenly send forth green or blooms.
The Island’s beautiful tide-washed strand creates a place for the very best of natural experiences, but can you believe most of this seascape is man-made?
Although we wish it were snowing here, it should be noted that Lorraine is in Franklinville, NJ. Soup instructions are in bold. Many gardeners love to get outside no matter what the weather. I am always eager to look at the garden when I go out to feed the chickens or fill the bird feeders. It… Read more »
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