High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: This is Cape May

Find your inner chef

Disney got it right!  After watching Ratatouille again, the message came through loud and clear: Find your inner chef and anyone can cook. This is the mantra I have been shouting for years. So how does one go about finding their inner chef? First start small, cooking like music, painting and even sports require focus and working… Read more »

Starting your garden naturally

It is time to begin the garden! I love an old fashioned garden. An enchanting kitchen garden is a wonderful place to work, relax and enjoy nature. A colorful, fragrant kitchen garden can be as large as a vacant lot or as small as a series of pots on the porch. It can be the entire… Read more »

The Persnickety Chef: That’s Amore

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie – that’s amore.   As the above lyrics prove, the connection between love and food has long been understood, even going back to ancient times Many foods have the reputation of being aphrodisiacs. Some gained their notoriety due to their shape or appearance such… Read more »

Love in Cape May

There’s just something about Valentine’s Day. Yes, I hear a chorus of men out there groaning and saying, “Yes, there’s definitely something about Valentine’s Day.” What prompts Valentine’s Day phobia? A more than average chance of getting into the dog house with the wrong card, the wrong gift, the wrong flowers and the proverbial “Where’s… Read more »