High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: This is Cape May

Tips for Buying That Old House

Have you always dreamed of owning an old house, one that dates back to, say, Queen Victoria? If the answer is yes – the next question is what would you be getting into? What better way to find out than to ask some of the people in Victorian Cape May who have already undergone the task.

What if it all burned again?

The fire that started on November 8, 1878 and spread from the Ocean House on Perry Street to engulf 40 acres of hotels, stores and houses in flames was one of the most devastating and furious fires of the era. If the same acreage were destroyed today, what would no longer exist in Cape May?

On Safari…the Cape May Way

The other night, I took a sunset Salt Marsh Safari on “The Skimmer,” a 40 ft. pontoon which skims the waterways just like the bird it was named for. Admittedly, I wouldn’t have thought to go on it if I hadn’t been an assignment. Why, you ask? Because birding is a huge component of the safari and birders intimidate me.

Car-free in Cape May

“Car free / Care free” is the motto of a recent map published by the “West Cape May Citizens for Good Government.” Published in an effort to encourage visitors and residents to park their cars and leave them parked, the map is available at the Visitor and Transportation Center of Cape May at Lafayette Street… Read more »

Art at the Prickly Pear

Founded in 1929, the Cape May Art League (CMAL) is the oldest county art league in the United States. After frequent attempts, artists both current and past – some long past – have finally found a venue, easily accessible to the public, where they can meet and show their work.