High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: This is Cape May

The Boys of Summer

In 1932, the depression loomed heavily over Cape May. Bath houses, once popular, were becoming passé. So Steven J. Steger set up his own beach rental operation, and the rest is history.

Mary Stewart – 25 Years of Service Honored

The Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities (MAC) honored Outreach Director Mary Stewart Monday, June 18 for her 25 years of service to the organization. She was presented with a plaque and a bouquet of flowers at an informal surprise gathering at the Carriage House Cafe & Tea Room on the grounds of the… Read more »

33rd Annual Great Cape May Footrace

The 33rd Annual Great Cape May Footrace, held on May 12, gave runners a first hand look at the new Convention Hall which opened Memorial Day weekend. The race began in front the Convention Hall at 8 a.m. In the 5K race, the top male finisher was Kai Bithell (No. 53) of Cape May.  Top… Read more »

Sacred Waters Honor Journey

Kayaks, canoes and boats converged at Higbee Beach June 7 to celebrate World’s Ocean Day. The paddlers traveled the waters from the south jetty at Hibeee to the concerte ship at Sunset Beach. Locally, the sojourn was called the Sacred Waters Honor Journey and included members of the Lenape Tribe.