High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: This is Cape May

What’s happening this July

Cape May in the month of July is full of exciting events for people of all ages. Fourth of July celebrations, plays and concerts are just a few of the events you can choose from to attend.

Marvin Hume

Since being wounded in The Battle of Saipan during World War II, Marvin Hume has been eligible for the prestigious Purple Heart, a military decoration which he refuses to this day.

Scallops in Sherry-Mushroom Cream Sauce

Time to Get Sauced

The place to begin to learn the craft of sauce making is at the bottom of the pan. The humble pan sauce is quick, easy and delicious. Recipe for Scallops with Sherry-Mushroom Cream Sauce

ArtBox Opens in WIldwood July 2

The Wildwood boardwalk is known for the gleeful screams of children on rides, the tram car and its long and free beaches. Now added to the list will be the ArtBOX. The ArtBOX is a collection of 11 upcycled shipping containers on Adventure Pier. It now houses everything from art studios and an Exit Zero… Read more »

Saltwater Cafe opens at South Jersey Marina

The newly renovated Saltwater Café in the South Jersey Marina is officially open and serving breakfast and lunch. Not only does the café offer both indoor and outdoor seating at the restaurant, they have available both shower and laundry facilities for boaters. Coming soon is a new deli, featuring dockside fare, as well as a… Read more »