High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Category: In the News

Kenny Chesney performs in Wildwood

Country music star Kenny Chesney  performed in Wildwood Wednesday, June 20, following the release of his newest album Welcome to the Fishbowl. The event was sold out, but you can stream it live at youtube.com/KennyChesneyVEVO

TripAdvisor names Cape May beaches Second Best in Nation

CAPE MAY – TripAdvisor has named Cape May number two in the nation for best beach and ninth in the world. The 2011 Traveler’s Choice Best Beach Award states,“Yes, Cape May is, technically, on the Jersey Shore. But it’s the antithesis of the Jersey Shore you’ll see on TV—instead of nightclubs and tanning parlors, you’ll… Read more »

CBS Evening News Covers Veteran Flag Ceremony at Sunset Beach

On July 2nd, CBS Evening News filmed a segment of “The American Spirit” at Sunset Beach in Cape May Point.  CBS national news correspondent Jim  Axelrod interviewed 89-year-old Navy veteran Marvin Hume who has led flag ceremonies in honor of war veterans at the beach for the past 38 years.  Click here to watch the news segment online.