Not sure of the difference between grilling and barbecuing? Looking for something more exciting than your store-bought marinades? The Persnickety Chef has you covered!
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Not sure of the difference between grilling and barbecuing? Looking for something more exciting than your store-bought marinades? The Persnickety Chef has you covered!
Consider the source of the food you make. From farmers to local cheese artisans, craftsmen’s skills are disappearing for sake of convenience and cost.
Deep down, most chefs are entertainers. Our audience the palettes of those who dine rather than eat. That is when it came to me, if I could only cook one more meal, what would the components of that meal be?
Jack sold the family cow for a handful of magic ones. Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of stewed ones. Truffles, Foie Gras, Kobe Beef? No. Legumes.
Food and holidays often become intertwined with the original connection lost through time. It is doubtful that the Pilgrims and Native Americans dined on turkey at the first Thanksgiving, but I challenge you to serve something else on the fourth Thursday in November. It is also doubtful that any of the three St. Valentines that… Read more » is made with love by the team at Cape Publishing
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