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Celebrate Earth Day in Cape May

Earth Day falls on April 22nd, but our local Earth Day celebrations are taking place the weekend before and the weekend after.

Cape May County Earth Day Fair

April 16, beginning at 8:30am – Cape May County Park and Zoo

earthhandslogoHead up to the Cape May County Park and Zoo for the Earth Day Fair this coming Saturday. The day kicks off at 8:30am with a 5K run and 1-mile fun run/walk. Awards for the top finishers. Recycled water bottle and t-shirt to the first 150 registrants. Pre-register for $15 or sign up the day of the race for $20. Funds benefit the Cape May County Park and Zoo Trust Fund.

At 4pm is “Bash the Trash,” a live music performance. The day will include family friendly nature hayrides, a yoga and drumming demonstration, hands-on educational exhibits, and story time with the Cape May County Library. Food will be available from a variety of vendors. The celebration is free, and so is entrance to the zoo, which you’ll find at Exit 11 off the Garden State Parkway. Call 609-465-5271 for more information or visit cmczoo.com

Earth Day and Marine Debris Clean-Up

April 30 from 9am to noon – Nature Center of Cape May

Learn about wildlife gardening and other basic maintenance chores while you assist Nature Center staff and volunteers in sprucing up the gardens for spring! We’ll plant, mulch, deadhead, weed, and prune throughout the center’s grounds and along the harbor. This date coincides with Clean Ocean Action’s annual Beach Sweeps. The Nature Center is a registered location. Help clean the ocean and harbor beaches in Cape May. Our Earth Day Clean-Up is a great community service project for your civic organization or scout group.Please bring your own tools, since the Nature Center has a limited supply. Refreshments will be offered. Preregistration is not required, but give the Nature Center a courtesy call if you’re attending as a large group. Call Gretchen Whitman at 609-898-8848 x10.

Clean Ocean Action 31st Annual Beach Sweeps

April 30 from 9am to 12:30 – Various area beaches


Rain or shine! Volunteer a few hours helping to clean up debris that threatens marine life in this biannual event that has collected information on over 5.19 million pieces of trash from New Jersey beaches since 1985. Dress for the weather, and make sure to wear hard-soled shoes and bring gloves. Join an existing team or become a beach captain. You can create your own Crowdrise page to help fundraise for this event. Volunteers must be able to physically walk on the beach and lift medium-size trash bags. You must be 18 years of age or accompanied by a guardian to participate. Get more information and a list of locations at cleanoceanaction.org