High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

West Cape May Lima Bean Festival


Despite a storm the night before that left us a little soggy, the weather was beautiful this Saturday for West Cape May’s annual Lima Bean Festival. We had front-row seats for the music and had the fortune of being next to George’s Place/the y.b., which cooked up kobe sliders with lima aioli.

Our publisher and boss was crowned Lima Bean King! The staff (aka The Royal Court) is, of course, delighted. There will be much bowing in the office.

Lima Bean Contest Winner

We had a tie for the winner of our lima-bean-counting contest. Marge from Wilmington, DE and Deb from Brick, NJ guessed 1,400 lima beans between the two jars, so you’ve both earned a two-year subscription to Cape May Magazine. The total number was 1,449. But we discovered that Alena from Cape May Court House had guessed 1,450–just one bean over! While that technically goes against the contest rules, I successfully argued in your favor, so we’ll be sending a one-year subscription your way.

(And Savannah from Erma, NJ, with a guess of 10,000 beans, never give up that optimism.)