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Cape May Magazine

Sharon and Mark Bostrom are Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities’ (MAC) Volunteers of the Month for December

Pictured Here: (photo credit: Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities): Volunteers Sharon and Mark Bostrom man the Physick Estate hospitality center Dec. 3 on the first Christmas Candlelight House Tour of the 2011 season, sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities (MAC). The Bostroms were chosen as MAC’s Volunteers of the Month for December for putting in many volunteer hours decorating the Carriage House at various times of the year – Christmas and Halloween being two of their favorite holidays.
Mark and Sharon own an extensive collection of elaborate holiday decorations that grows yearly from which they draw materials and inspiration. The Bostroms find joy in decorating for the holidays. “Halloween is one of our favorites, although we go all-out for Christmas. We’ve been collecting for many years. We just enjoy the holiday,” Sharon said. One year, the challenge of how to decorate the tent pole on the patio behind the Carriage House for Halloween resulted in a life-sized King Kong suspended from the top with a Barbie doll in tow. “I can come up with the ideas and Mark is the one who helps put them together,” she said.
The Volunteer of the Month award is given to a person who demonstrates a high degree of dedication, commitment and constancy to MAC’s volunteer program. For information about MAC’s year-round schedule of tours, festivals, and special events, call 609-884-5404 or 800-275-4278, or visit MAC’s Web site at www.capemaymac.org.