
Vote for your
favorite pictures!
It's that time again when we ask you to vote for your
favorites from our Picture of the Day. Get your votes in by January 26!
Thanks for voting! Check back February 1st for results. |
Rebuilding a Beach
Text by Karen Fox The Island’s beautiful tide-washed
strand creates a place for the very best of natural experiences, but can you
believe most of this seascape is man-made? |
Biggest Headlines of 2008 What a year! From dog parks and
400th anniversaries to Convention Hall closing, here's our rundown of
the biggest headlines of 2008. |
The Year in Review
Cape May looked as anxious for change in 2008 as the
rest of the country. Join us as we walk through the good, the bad, and
the ugly of 2008. |
Look at This!
Missed an event in 2008? Don't worry, we were there
with cameras in hand. |

Time for Soup
If you have chores to do outside,
think first of making soup at the same time. Then bundle up and off to the
garden! |

The Return of Comfort
Simple does not mean mediocre. Rather than eat fast
food or cheap frozen meals, if you cook from scratch, you can stretch
your resources. |
Afternoon at Cape May Point. Photograph by Chris Cusick. |
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1998-2009 by Cape Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. No reproduction or reuse
without the expressed written consent of the publisher is permitted.