The 6th annual Cool Cape Cycle Event 2023
The 6th annual Cool Cape Cycling 2023 will take place at Boat Drinks from Ferry Park at the Cape May Ferry on Saturday, Sept 16, 2023, in North Cape May.
There are 4 Treks to pick from 3 in Cape May and County and 1 in Lewes Delaware in which your ticket to/from is included. You can only board from the Cape May side.
Cyclists will ride up the Cape May Cool Springs bike path, past the cape may zoo and into Avalon, through Stone Harbor and back into Lower Township back to the Cape May Ferry.
- Upon your return, there will be live music, masseuse
- The course will wind through various parts of N Cape May. Lower Township, Middle Township, Avalon, Stone Harbor depending on the course you choose.
- All pre-registered participants will receive a Cool Cape Cycling event shirt until supplies last
- Marked and GPS routes color coded for distance
- Guitar Entertainment at the Ferry Park
- Food is available at Ferry Park
- The massage therapist will be onsite
On the first 15-mile tour Cyclists will take the Cape May ferry to Cape Henlopen and tour around and return on the ferry. Cyclist will leave on the 7 am Ferry and return on the 11:15 Ferry arriving back to cape may by 12:45 pm. OR – People from Lewes that sign up for this event will start their tour at 8:30 am when the Lewes Ferry arrives at Cape Henlopen and follow the route arrows, or GPS self-guided route. From Lewes, attendees will take the 11:15 Ferry to Cape May, arrive at 12:45 and join the festivities until 2 pm, and return to Cape Henlopen on their choice of ferry times 2:30, 4:30, or 6 pm.- This Is A Self-guided Tour.
On the second 15-mile tour, cyclists will stay in Lower Township & N Cape May area. Cyclists for this event will leave by 9:45-10 am
On the 30- 32 mile tour, cyclists will ride up the Cape May cool springs bike path and circle around in and around Lower Township and back into North Cape May along the bay.
On the 50-55 mile tour, Cyclists will ride up the Cape May Cool Springs bike path, past the cape may zoo and into Avalon, through Stone Harbor, and back into Lower Township back to the Cape May Ferry on the Rocks beer garden.
*The event on Sept 16th will be rain or shine and non – refundable.
*Price increase July 1, Aug 1, and Sept 1 – Sign up Now to save. Registration pick-up bib details and shirts will be while supplies last.
*All riders presume liability for themselves and ride at their own risk.
*All attendees must be age 21 to attend Cool Cape 2023