Poor Man’s Pelagic aboard the Cape May Lewes Ferry
Join Cape May Bird Observatory Director Brett Ewald and CMBO Naturalists aboard the Cape May Lewes Ferry to bird the Delaware Bay! If you’ve never plucked up the courage to go out on the wild blue ocean in search of elusive seabirds, here’s a chance to do the next best thing. While we can’t promise you views of shearwaters and murres, crossings on the Cape May-Lewes Ferry at this time of year regularly produce great views of Northern Gannets, Red-throated Loons and a host of different sea ducks, especially the three scoter species. Cormorants, gulls, terns and even some herons and egrets regularly cross the Delaware Bay at this time of year too and there is always the possibility of finding something unexpected. If time allows, we may also bird the jetty near the ferry terminal for the chance of Purple Sandpiper and other shorebirds, gulls and terns.
We’ll travel on the 1:00pm ferry and return on the 2:45pm boat. Photo I.D. Will be required.Preregistration Required – Ticket sales will End on 03/15/23 at 5pm