Poetry Workshops with Poet Laureate Sylvia Baer
Cape May’s Poet Laureate Sylvia Baer will host poetry workshops with the themes of Water, Sky, Sand, and Family. Open to everyone with an interest in poetry regardless of experience, these workshops will include a craft discussion, writing prompts, the opportunity to share work if desired, light refreshments, and lively conversation. Wine is available for purchase by the bottle. Each workshop will be different, so repeat participants will discover something new each week. They will emerge with a new perspective on the craft of poetry, and hopefully one or two poems of their own. Dr. Sylvia Baer, a professor of literature for 51 years, is the author of the memoir “Learning Life,” and a playwright, memoirist, writer of scholarly works, translator of Spanish poetry (into English), and a fellow at Yale University. She has curated haiku and photography exhibitions at Rowan University and Yale University, has been the founding editor of international academic journals, and is the creator of The Poet-Tree in Cape May, where she hangs about 60 poems with signage encouraging passers-by to pick any poem that appeals to them.