Longtails in Love from Avalon to Cape May
Join Program Coordinator Adehl Schwaderer and CMBO naturalists on a search for waterfowl (amorous or otherwise) from Avalon to Cape May! We time this program each year to coincide with the peak of mating activity for Long-tailed Ducks – and this just happens to be right around Valentine’s Day! The wonderful sound of caterwauling Long-tailed Ducks fills the air as amorous males flirt their long tails, plumes and outrageous pink bills, to draw the attention of the seemingly indifferent females. Though this wonderful spectacle will be our main target, we shall also travel through coastal Cape May to find and enjoy a wide range of wintering ducks and other wetland species too. Scoters, mergansers, eiders and many other ducks, plus a great array of shorebirds, cormorants, grebes and much more will be enjoyed. Spotting Scopes Are Highly Recommended For This Trip.
Important Information:
We do not set a firm daily schedule in advance, leaving us flexible to maximize birding opportunities, taking advantage of weather conditions, tides, and recent bird sightings.
We bird in all weather. Be sure to check the forecast in advance and dress in layers appropriate for prevailing weather conditions. The weather in cape may can differ considerably from nearby inland areas and may be warmer, colder, or windier so it’s best to be over prepared. We may have to bird in the rain, so please bring your rain gear.
Transportation: please arrive at the appointed time with a full tank of gas, as transportation to field sites is by private vehicles. For the sake of the environment and to help maintain a close group experience, we always encourage participants to car-share.
We may walk up to 1.5 miles, over generally level, sometimes muddy or sandy terrain. Some trips involve walks over jetties.
*Preregistration Required