4th summer Garden Concert series at Arts & Soul
Arts & Soul Studio is looking forward to our 4th summer Garden Concert series. We have paired some of our finest musicians to bring you something special and a little different. We’re sure you’re going to love this lineup of fabulous local musicians bringing you a collaborative new spin. We are excited to also bring you an amazing line-up of local artists who will display and sell their art during each concert in the garden.
July 3rd Joe & Mike Resident Artists- Debra Donahue & Victoria Papale
July 10th “The Yokels”- Marnie, Nate & JefferyResident Artist- Ashley Worley & Nathan Rubin
July 17th Amy Hufanna & The Girls Rock the Garden Resident Artist- Sydnei Smith Jordan
July 24th Jimm Ross & Don Shough Resident Artist – Jimm Ross
July 31st “The MadTones”- Maddie Hogan & Toni Teschner Resident Artist- GG Fitz
August 7th John Katity & Rae Sheets Resident Artist- Molly Sanger Carpenter & Terri Amig
August 14th Rain Date – TBA Resident Artist- TBA
August 21st Dan Barry & Peter Riley Resident Artists- Dan Barry & Peter Riley
August 28th Gregg Carpenter Resident Artist- Carla Schaffer