Cape May Event Calendar

Tag: theater

Cape May Stage Presents “Ann”

Directed by Marlena Lustik Featuring Kate McCauley Hathaway ANN is an intimate, no-holds-barred portrait of Ann Richards, the legendary late Governor of Texas. This inspiring and hilarious play brings us face to face with a complex, colorful, and captivating character bigger than the state from which she hailed. Written and originally performed by Emmy Award-winner… Read more »

East Lynne Theater presents “A Hundred Thousand Days of Light”

Barbara Quintiliani sings American classics. ​Pianist Stewart Robert Schroeder. Co-Produced with Thomas Raniszewski HUNDRED THOUSAND DAYS OF LIGHT encompasses songs from the American Revolution to songs by American composers, including a piece composed specifically for Ms. Qunitiliani by Grammy nominee Lori Laitman, set to a poem by Dana Gioia. Songs by others include Carrie Jacobs Bond (1862-1946),… Read more »

East Lynne Theater presents “Poe by Candlelight”

Popular ELTC actors read their favorite stories by the master of the macabre, Edgar Allan Poe. POE BY CANDLELIGHT is the final “Tales of the Victorians” performance for 2020.  Like other “Tales” that take place at different venues throughout the summer, this features light refreshments and stories read by ELTC actors. Refreshments will be served… Read more »

Murder By Gaslight

Solve a Crime while on a Ghost Tour in Lovely Historic Cape May. Go on a family-friendly Mystery Hunt led by the 130-year-old murder victim! Are you prepared for a touch of the eccentric, and steeled against a chill up your corset? Are you yearning to add an experience at once fantastical while also unnerving… Read more »