Witness the Perseid Meteor Shower at the Cape May Point Science Center
The Perseid Meteor Shower is set to reach its peak on August 12, 2023, and Cape May Astro has you covered! Now led by astrophysicist Dr. Francis Toriello from Atlantic Cape Community College at Cape May Point Science Center for this special event which will start at 8:15 pm. This year’s timing is perfect as the waning crescent moon will feature dark skies for optimal viewing this year. The Perseid Meteor Shower is an annual celestial phenomenon that occurs between July 17 and August 24 each year. The Perseid Meteor Shower is a natural phenomenon that is eagerly anticipated each year by sky watchers around the world. It is caused by the Earth passing through a stream of debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle, which leaves behind tiny meteoroids in its wake as it orbits around the Sun. Please arrive at 8:00 pm at The Cape May Point Science Center so we can promptly start at 8:15 pm.
We’d like to suggest car pooling out of respect to our neighbors in the Point. For the April event, the building, including the restrooms, will not be open and guests will only have access to the courtyard.