The paint was fresh, the wallpaper glimmering, and the venerable old restaurant was once again open for business, now sporting its dressy new attire. Renovations will typically stir a ghost or two.
The blog
The paint was fresh, the wallpaper glimmering, and the venerable old restaurant was once again open for business, now sporting its dressy new attire. Renovations will typically stir a ghost or two.
Walking down Jackson Street off season, in the evening, is sometimes like walking through a graveyard at night. Many of the buildings sit silent and dark, being closed for the season. Should you happen to glance up at some of the darkened windows in the upper floors of these old seaside sentinels, you may just catch a quick glimpse of something looking back at you.
Oh those pesky Cape May beach tags! Everyone complains about them. Some try to wrangle their way out of buying them. Still others go out of their way to buy them early. And then there are those who collect them.
I was dreaming about the beach or something to do with Cape May when the dream segued to an exterior view of a house, an old house. A teenage boy was looking up at the roof and, in the dream, I was watching.
The kindly grandmother, children and grandchildren in tow, moved from room to room admiring and reminiscing about the old days at her historic house in West Cape May. She had owned the property years earlier, about three owners back, and had stopped by on a chance visit to meet the new owner. They were in… Read more »
Some of the best shorelines to find mermaid tears – sea glass – are right here in Cape May. Over the years, the salt water, the tides, washing over rocks and sand, the pounding forces of the ocean have broken and worn down the shards to unique, one-of-a-kind shapes and sizes.
Cape May diamonds are our today-connection with the Ice Age. With luck, beachcombers find a gem dazzling in the sunlight – one that has been tumbled to the brilliance of a jewel from Tiffany’s. That is a rare find, indeed.
I was thinking about good old Punxsutawney Phil. He did not see his shadow, so we may actually live to see spring. Old Punx got me thinking about ghosts of animals. I have had more than one run in with a furry ghost, and quite a few of those encounters were right here in Cape May.
The Craig House, like so many other homes in Cape May, is haunted. While the former owners may be dead, it does not stop them from having a good time―and that is exactly what they do.
Who are those horses riding through Cape May? Come along with us and “meet the team.” is made with love by the team at Cape Publishing
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