High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Tag: This is Cape May

The Abbey: Gurney Street and Columbia Avenue

If Senator John McCreary were somehow to return to Cape May today, he wouldn’t have much trouble recognizing his summer residence. Standing proudly at the corner of Gurney Street and Columbia Avenue, his home, in its most recent incarnation as renowned bed and breakfast inn, The Abbey, appears very much as it did when McCreary and his family occupied it one hundred and thirty years ago during their summer holidays.

Postcards from Cape May

CapeMay.com’s first in a series of “Postcards from Cape May” is from the classic collection of Don and Pat Pocher, to whom we are indeed grateful. A wider selection has been published in their book, Cape May in Vintage Postcards, one of Arcadia Publishing’s “Images of America” series. The accompanying descriptive text is mostly from that book.

Remembering Alice Steer Wilson

When Alice Steer Wilson died on July 22 of this year, the city of Cape May lost one of its most vibrant, visual champions. But because she was loved by so many, because her well-known watercolors of the city have enjoyed such popularity, and because she shared her energy and knowledge freely with family, friends, and students– her presence here remains strong.

Antiques to Warm the Heart

Browsing through an antique store is like opening a time capsule — a journey back through the decades. A pair of well-worn women’s shoes from the late 1800s sit perched on a Glen Campbell record. A child’s perambulator snuggles next to a family photo album. And Shari Lewis’ Lamb Chop puppet finds good company with the boxed Elvis Presley doll, a Charlie Weaver mechanical toy and a life-sized Marilyn Monroe cut-out.