High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Tag: This is Cape May

Antiques in Cape May

W.S. Antiques W.S. Antiques, owned by William Saponaro, has three locations in Cape May (well, one is actually in West Cape May at 135 Sunset Blvd.)  All counted for, over 180 individual dealers share their wares, both collectibles and antiques in at least one of these three spots. The largest of the W.S. Antiques stores… Read more »

Antiques and Masterpieces Sold Here

It’s no surprise that many shoppers in the market for antiques gravitate to Cape May, a city which is itself a Victorian masterpiece. A walk through some of the city’s antiques shops brings shoppers in close touch with the spirits of other ages, including but by no means limited to Victorian times.