High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Tag: This is Cape May

Review: Cape May Court House: A Death in the Night

If one lives down here, one is prepared to not like anything written by outsiders about our little world. Why, you landlubbers may ask? Because they never get it right, that’s why. It’s like Hollywood trying to make a movie about the working class. The world of the working stiff is either over-romanticized or downright insulting. Lawrence Schiller does not make that mistake in his recently published book, “Cape May Court House – A Death In The Night.”

Long Gone but Refusing to Leave: The Ghosts of Cape May

It was a dark and stormy night…. well….it was dark. Desiree, our guide to ghostly apparitions, has already led us up Beach Avenue, along Jackson Street, over to the Washington Street Mall, down Ocean and, now, we stand peering up into the window of Room #10 at the Hotel Macomber, formerly the Stockton Villa, circa 1914, on Beach Avenue and Howard Street.

Fishing: More than just a hobby in Cape May

To call fishing a pastime, or hobby, is an understatement in Cape May . For many, it’s an entire life. Families live by the sea — their livelihood dependent on Mother Nature’s good will. Their lifestyles are different, reliant on weather, tides, seasons.

The Sea Mist

The Sea Mist today looms large on the Cape May beachfront. Whether viewed from land or sea, this red and white “steamboat-style” building with its unique widow’s walk is one of Cape May’s most photographed houses.