High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Tag: Schellenger’s Landing

Ongoing changes to Schellenger’s Landing

The next time you come over the Route 109 bridge into Cape May, you might notice that Schellenger’s Landing looks a little different. An ongoing project aims to make the area safer for foot traffic, while adding ADA accessible sidewalks to both sides of the street. Five new brick crosswalks are already in place, as… Read more »

On Assignment: A Day at the Dock

My assignment? Spend some time down at Schellegner’s Landing and watch the fishermen come in. Now, let’s clarify. Not the sport fishermen – the real fishermen. The ones whose roots go back to the whalers and Moby Dick and all that. That would be the fishermen who risk their lives and earn their living at… Read more »