The real challenge to the party host is how to put out an excellent meal and not be chained to the kitchen.

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The real challenge to the party host is how to put out an excellent meal and not be chained to the kitchen.
Even with the humblest of foods, the sandwich, the quality of the ingredients matters. Recipes for Grilled Herbed Goat Cheese on Brioche with Homemade Tomato Jam; Fig and Gorgonzola Panini; Farmhouse Cheddar on Sourdough
I have always had an internal conflict about vegetables and their role in the grand scheme of cuisine. I know vegetables are good for you, yet somehow the idea of a meal without meat seems like culinary heresy.
The onion rarely stands alone on the plate. Rather, its flavor and texture enhances the food it accompanies. The different types of onions have their own unique flavor profiles, from pungent Spanish onions to sweet Vidalias. Recipes: Apple-Onion Soup, Spinach Salad with Shallot-Sherry Vinaigrette, Goat Cheese Leek and Tomato Tarts
Fast food has taken away our desire to cook and our ability to distinguish good food from mediocre food. Proof was established when Zagat’s named KFC as America’s best fried chicken. Have our standards of taste fallen that far? It is time to dust off our skillets put down the McNuggets and get back to the kitchen. Try recipes for Fried Chicken, Collard Greens, and Buttermilk Biscuits is made with love by the team at Cape Publishing
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