Traditionally, an orchard is a grouping of at least five fruit trees. The new farm at 810 Seashore Road has twenty-one, but their focus is decidedly flowers.

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Traditionally, an orchard is a grouping of at least five fruit trees. The new farm at 810 Seashore Road has twenty-one, but their focus is decidedly flowers.
We’d hoped to publish this post for you last week, but we were busy finishing up the Winter issue of Cape May Magazine. Please enjoy this (slightly belated) look at the new Cricket Club! From the outside, the building still resembles the Merion Inn, but a step through the front door of the Cricket Club… Read more »
The heavy snow from a weekend blizzard melted just in time for Behr Brewing’s opening day. It left them with a parking lot of black mud churned up by cars of people eager to get inside the navy blue building on Seashore Road. But the staff at Behr wasn’t bothered by some mud. They roped… Read more »
When COVID-19 forced a months-long ban on indoor dining across New Jersey, Lucas Manteca saw an opportunity.
We had an opportunity to stop into The Hugh, the new boutique B&B on Washington Street that opened in June. The 1883 Victorian was previously home to the Blue Rose Inn and Alexander’s, but it’s now in the hands of John and Sandy Vizzone, who were kind enough to let us inside for a quick… Read more » is made with love by the team at Cape Publishing
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