High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Tag: Garden Talk

Of Lilacs and Lily of the Valley

As spring matures and May arrives, gentle breezes are laden with the fragrance of Lilacs and Lily of the Valley. I love these and can drift back to childhood days in either of my grandmothers’ gardens when I could smell their wonderful fragrances. Back then, I think that most everyone had hedges of lilacs, often… Read more »

Making Your Garden a Birding Mecca

Do you have birds gobbling up seeds and insect pests in your garden? If not, you should consider adding a bird feeder and planning to plant some bird-friendly plants for next year.

Soup – A Gardener’s Elixir of Life

Many gardeners like to get outside, even in cold weather. A lot of gardeners also like to cook using their garden vegetables. Enjoy recipes for Monk’s Garden Soup, Barscazc, Chicken Soup with Greens, and Tomato Soup.