High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Tag: fishing

Time for Variety

August – the month when summer is at its peak. This is none the less true for fishing in Cape May. The month of August brings forth the largest variety of fish species caused by the large numbers of bait fish both inshore and off shore….and as they say “the big fish eats the little fish.” August is a great time for tournament fishing as well, boasting one of the largest and richest tournaments in the world – the Mid-Atlantic $500,000 (MA-500).

On Assignment: A Day at the Dock

My assignment? Spend some time down at Schellegner’s Landing and watch the fishermen come in. Now, let’s clarify. Not the sport fishermen – the real fishermen. The ones whose roots go back to the whalers and Moby Dick and all that. That would be the fishermen who risk their lives and earn their living at… Read more »

Fishing: More than just a hobby in Cape May

To call fishing a pastime, or hobby, is an understatement in Cape May . For many, it’s an entire life. Families live by the sea — their livelihood dependent on Mother Nature’s good will. Their lifestyles are different, reliant on weather, tides, seasons.

For the love of the game

The sport of fishing is one that includes both luck and talent. Fate plays a big hand, as does Mother Nature. Being in the right place at the right time and knowing how to hook the “big one” – well, that’s what it’s all about. As the daughter of a sport fisherman, I watched from… Read more »