High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Tag: characters

Chefs of Cape May- Waters Edge Restaurant

One of the joys of living and visiting Cape May, along with the beach and the rich Victorian history, is the food. The diversity of culinary delights which Cape May has to offer is exceeded by few cities with a year-round population of under 5,000. These creative people were looking for independence, small town life,… Read more »

Chefs of Cape May – Alexander’s Inn

One of the joys of living and visiting Cape May, along with the beach and the rich Victorian history, is the food. The diversity of culinary delights which Cape May has to offer is exceeded by few cities with a year-round population of under 5,000. These creative people were looking for independence, small town life,… Read more »

Chefs of Cape May- Freda’s Cafe

One of the joys of living and visiting Cape May, along with the beach and the rich Victorian history, is the food. The diversity of culinary delights which Cape May has to offer is exceeded by few cities with a year-round population of under 5,000. These creative people were looking for independence, small town life,… Read more »

Three Innkeepers’ Stories…

What if you had the nerve to follow your dream? Memories of sunny, sandy, carefree days stream back and suddenly you remember that wonderful couple who ran that lovely bed and breakfast you visited. Nice people, they were. And they looked so happy! Perhaps you could be, too.