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Tag: Cape May-Lewes Ferry
Exterior of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry terminal

Behind the scenes at Ferry Park

Exciting news from North Cape May: The team at Exit Zero Hospitality is overhauling the Cape May-Lewes Ferry terminal to create Ferry Park, a collection of waterfront experiences set to open this spring. Included will be a gourmet sit-down restaurant, shopping, outdoor bar, casual seafood restaurant, and grab-and-go cafe. Next summer, they plan to introduce… Read more »

How I fell in love with Cape May

I asked my grandmother when they started taking me to Cape May. She said I had to be about four or five years old, that my grandfather—-I called him pop-pop—-had always wanted to live here and loved the water. They would stay at Seashore Campground to be as close as they could to town. She… Read more »

Outdoor bars to try before the end of summer

It’s hot. The sun has been oppressively strong, there’s no sign of clouds coming to your rescue any time soon, and the humidity is overpowering your time in the sand. Suddenly, it hits you—a craving for a frosty, refreshing beverage from one of the numerous bars in Cape May. But which one will be your… Read more »