High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Fun with Herbs

Herbs are fun. They smell good and they are useful. They make me think of a peaceful sunny garden of long ago, and they are among the oldest plants grown by man.

Striper, Drum Seasons Underway

The Charter Fleet at South Jersey Marina is all de-winterized, fired up and ready to go. The Striper and Drum seasons are underway and the trips this week have produced good results. On Thursday April 9th., Big Game brought in 2 Keeper Stripers. The next day, Common Sense and Big Game went out again. This… Read more »

A Chef’s Last Meal

Deep down, most chefs are entertainers. Our audience the palettes of those who dine rather than eat. That is when it came to me, if I could only cook one more meal, what would the components of that meal be?

To Keep an Inn

Thinking of becoming an innkeeper? Learn about the history of Bed & Breakfast inns and get some tips from innkeepers.