High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

Avoid traffic delays: take the West Cape May bridge

Due to upcoming repairs, the northbound lane of the Route 109 bridge (the small bridge leaving Cape May, near the Tuna Club) will close to vehicles. A single alternating lane will serve north and southbound traffic. Want to avoid certain delays, especially during peak driving times? Change your route and use the West Cape May… Read more »

Easter Weekend in Cape May

If you’re spending the Easter holiday weekend in Cape May, here’s a list of restaurants serving Easter brunch, Easter dinner, and offering visits with the Easter Bunny. Events Easter Fashion Stroll – Sunday at 1pm An annual tradition on the Washington Street Mall! Sunday, March 27 a 1 p.m. at the 300 block. Registration begins… Read more »

Rotary Park project underway

We’ve been so preoccupied with finishing the spring issue of Cape May Magazine that we missed the tear-down of Rotary Park’s gazebo yesterday, but we got a few photographs of the aftermath for you. The park project is a joint effort of the Fund for Cape May and the City of Cape May. The updated… Read more »

Montreal Beach Resort turns 50

In celebration of their 50th anniversary, Montreal Beach Resort worked with Hawk Haven to create a signature chardonnay, Chateau Montreal. Hawk Haven bottled the limited-edition wine yesterday, just forty cases in total. Try a glass this summer at Harry’s of Cape May, or pick up a bottle at The Wine Cellar this upcoming season. Congratulations… Read more »

A Valentine’s Day Proposal

We just received this story and wanted to share! Congrats to David and Megan. “My niece’s boyfriend just proposed to her today (2/14) on the beach at Beach/Brooklyn Avenues. He wrote in the sand WILL U MARRY ME?” – submitted by Barbara Parker