High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cape May Magazine

Celebrate Earth Day in Cape May

Earth Day falls on April 22nd, but our local Earth Day celebrations are taking place the weekend before and the weekend after. Cape May County Earth Day Fair April 16, beginning at 8:30am – Cape May County Park and Zoo Head up to the Cape May County Park and Zoo for the Earth Day Fair… Read more »

Congress Hall will be having a blast

We had word today that Congress Hall is preparing to sandblast the paint from the exterior surfaces to reveal the original bricks of the 1879 building. We tried, with the help of Photoshop, to see what that may look like when the building’s surface is completed. To be fair, the color is approximate and does… Read more »

Stewart’s Root Beer gets a new paint job

Spring freshen up time has come to Stewart’s Root Beer on the 500 block of the Washington Street Mall. They’re open during renovations outside which will end soon. These colors will brighten up even the gloomiest seashore weather!