High Tide

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Cape May Magazine

Results for the Best of Cape May 2016

Every August, we ask you to vote on your favorite businesses in the Best of Cape May. We had a record-breaking number of votes this year and spent two days tallying the results. Without further ado, here are your 2016 winners:

The new Rotary Park is taking shape

If you’re in Cape May, you’ve surely been watching as a totally revitalized park has been coming together between Lyle Lane and Lafayette Street. And you’re probably aware that the fountain started circulating water last week. Today the new Gazebo with it’s lighted crown was tightened into place. while workers positioned both flowering shrubs and… Read more »

Video: Musket demonstration with Al Conly

Al Conly demonstrates how to load and operate a Brown Bess musket. You can see this musket demonstration in person at the Colonial House, 653 ½ Washington Street, from 1-4pm on Wednesdays in July.

Cape May’s 1st Annual Hops Festival

Hundreds of people gathered to celebrate the beginning of summer at the Physick Estate, with a perfect sunny day devoted to regional craft beers, rum tasting, spicey jambalaya, bacon-on-a-stick, super crepes, and the traditional food favorites, live music, crafts and collectibles and kids activities. Sponsored by Cape May’s Mid-Atlantic Center for the Arts & Humanities… Read more »