High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Another Mansion House…143 Years Later

It was to the Mansion House that U.S. statesman Henry Clay came for recuperation after the death of his son during the Mexican War in 1847. Built in 1832, it was the second grand hotel built on the island. Built on four acres of land, it was the first lathed and plastered hotel — its… Read more »

Hubert & Union Park: Perfect Together

It’s the perfect match. He’s cooked for Julia Child and at the James Beard Foundation. A graduate of the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York, he’s worked in four-star restaurants from Philadelphia to Vail, Colorado. For seven years, he operated the Ebbitt Room at the Virginia Hotel in Cape May, leaving early… Read more »

A Feeling of Community Revisited: Cape Island’s African-American Heritage

People and events which go beyond tales of Victoriana and visiting presidents. Ancestry dating to colonial days. Remembrances of community life during the last century. Stories of life, love and loss — stories that never made the history books.

This is Cape Island’s African-American heritage… A legacy now being understood, preserved and celebrated today through oral history, photographs and mementos in an exhibit titled “A Feeling of Community Revisited: Cape Island’s African-American Heritage.”

A Winter Cape May Holiday…for a Change!

So you haven’t been to Cape May during the winter? The beaches may be empty and breezes blow cold through town. Summer is a distant memory — or perhaps a future anticipation — but there’s more to Cape May than being simply a summer vacation land. Christmas may be the best time of year to visit.