High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

The Dollhouse Museum at the Goodman House

As an intern at CapeMay.com, one of my many jobs is reading e-mails that you, our faithful readership, send to CapeMay.com. Many times, visitors recount their fondest memories of Cape May. They spout statistics and ask intriguing questions, most of which send me running to our local history buffs. Throughout the e-mails one word seems… Read more »

Award Winning Winery

Visitors to Cape May might be surprised tolearn that they can experience and savor some fine,locally produced and award-winning wines. The Cape May Winery and Vineyard, owned by Bill and Joan Hayes located less than a mile north of the Cape May Canal, has been producing three reds and two whites for some time now.… Read more »

Parking Meters: Are we being ripped off?

Ever put a quarter in the meter and check your watch, just to come back a half an hour later to find a ticket tucked neatly under a windshield wiper? Maybe your watch was running slow? Or perhaps the meter running fast? Eleven-year-old Ellie Lammer of Berkeley, California, was sure Berkeley’s meters were wrong in… Read more »

Cape May Carriages- Oh So Pretty…But Are They Cruel?

They’re talking about it in New York. They’re arguing about it in Philadelphia. And in both cities, the town of Cape May crops up in the conversations. They’re discussing the use of horse and carriages as entertainment. Animal rights activists are scrutinizing the trade, noting the animals suffer cruel treatment and work long hours. Both… Read more »