High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

The Virginia Hotel has been reinvigorated

Yes, Virginia! Stepping into the lobby of the completely reinvigorated Virginia Hotel on Jackson Street is like walking into an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel. Bold reds decorate the Living Room and the bar. Overhead, crystal globe chandeliers mimic delicate fireworks setting the mood in the hotel’s main corridor and the entrance to the Ebbitt Room… Read more »

A day of weddings in Cape May

Oy. I’m spending the weekend following the Wedding Planner around Cape May. Note that I said “The Wedding Planner” because Cape May really only has one true wedding planner and that’s Catherine Walton. Ms Walton does the traditional Jennifer Lopez movie kind of planning right down to the last detail. Many of the larger reception… Read more »

Who’s New, Who’s Moved, Who’s Gone 2005

It’s the start of a new season and time to look at what’s gone and what’s new. CapeMay.com’s roving reporters hit the pavement and this is what we found. Out on Sunset Blvd., in West Cape May you can’t miss the brightly colored Chattel House Village – well, make sure you don’t miss Sea Level. We… Read more »

Spring has sprung!

April showers and May flowers. That’s what Cape May’s all about in the spring. We even have a festival to honor it called, appropriately enough, Cape May’s Spring Festival (April 22-May 1). Some of us who go back a ways remember when it was called The Tulip Festival – so you get the picture. We’re… Read more »