High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Adding spice and flair to Thanksgiving

The dictionary defines persnickety as; fussy about small details, overly particular about trivial details, requiring great precision and snobbish. The chill is in the air and you can actually find a place to park in Cape May. Fall is here and one of my favorite holidays approaches. Thanksgiving, a holiday built around food. Around 385… Read more »

The Ghosts of CapeMay.com

You know how I’m always on the hunt for ghosts every year when October rolls around? You know how my search is always for naught? Yeah, guess what? Be careful of what you wish for. We asked psychic and Exit Zero columnist Craig McManus to come on up to our place at CapeMay.com, located above… Read more »

The treasures of Sunset Beach: Part II

So, I’m heading back out to Sunset beach because, it’s a fabulous place that’s why, and I’m thinking how did people get out here before they had this pretty road? In fact, how did people get here? And what was it like out here?   You know, Sunset Beach has a pretty interesting past which… Read more »

A day in the life of Mad Batter chef Jon Davies

You know what I think the difference is between a good cook and a chef? Philosophy. I came to this conclusion recently when I spent the day with Mad Batter Chef Jon Davies. Make no mistake about it, I know good cooks. I’m a good cook. I can make a mean Sloppy Joe Sandwich.  Let… Read more »