High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Results for the Best of Cape May 2006

Every year, CapeMay.com conducts an on-line survey of the  opinions of our readers about the best of Cape May.  The results from last month’s questionnaire are in.  And the winners are… Best Place to Stay B&B – Angel of the Sea Guest House – The Columbia House Hotel – Congress Hall Campground – Beachcomber Best… Read more »


After Labor Day

As the summer season begins to wind down, contrary to popular belief Cape May does not shut down the day after Labor Day. Restaurant staffs around town can relax a little after surviving another season. So what is a better way for chefs and foodies alike to blow off a little steam than a celebration… Read more »

The Cape May Canal

North versus South. This ancient conflict has played out on battlefields and athletic fields across the span of time. It’s how some people, Americans included, define themselves – a southern belle perhaps, or a damn yankee. The rules of membership can be rigid – one does not become a “southern gentleman” by simply buying a… Read more »

Cape May’s SuperAthalon

July 10th marked the Cape May SuperAthalon Race’s 25th year. The SuperAthalon Race takes less than an hour – less than 48 minutes to be more exact – but this “Iron Man” competition pits the strongest and the fittest of the areas’ lifeguards against one another. It is the creation of Captain Buzz Mogck, head… Read more »

Where to have a quiet cocktail

It’s an odd thing, but sometimes a vacation can be very stressful. Probably the biggest reason for existential angst is simply not knowing where to go, where to eat, what to eat, and the best time to eat it. One suggestion, forget about all that for just one night and take time out for the… Read more »