High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Cindy: A Short and Sweet Beach Wedding

Cindy & Michael asked to have our Love Cape May heart embroidered on beach chairs for their wedding (a talented embroiderer took care of that), and we ended up invited to the ceremony! On the beach next to the Cove pavilion, they set up the custom beach chairs for each guest, who entered to string music.… Read more »

Tiling for the future

When you walk into Susan Ross’ West Cape May studio, there are bins and bins of tiles in all sorts of shapes and colors. Starfish tiles, Sand-colored tiles, round sky-blues tiles, round ocean-blue tiles, and oblong earth-toned tiles with people of all ages and backgrounds holding hands and dancing. This latter happens to be the… Read more »

Favorite Cape May Haunts

I’ve been looking for ghosts every fall now for, I’d say about four years. I’ve taken walking tours, trolley tours. I’ve followed ghost writer Craig McManus around when he was looking for ghosts. I invited Craig to our offices last year in search of the ghosts I’ve heard about for so long. I even stayed… Read more »

figs on a towel

Celebrating fall produce

Autumn, to most, signals the end of summer and the shortening of days, and, therefore, winter cannot be far behind. As a chef, I enjoy this time of year for several reasons. First and foremost, it is actually comfortable to be in a kitchen and cook. The cooler weather makes it enjoyable to eat again;… Read more »

A look at early Victorian architecture

It stands to reason that a city with the motto; “the Nation’s Oldest Seaside Resort” would have a lot of old buildings. In fact, with over 600 summer homes, hotels and commercial structures, Cape May has one of the largest collections of 19th century frame buildings remaining in the Unites States. We are second only… Read more »