High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Who’s New, Who’s Moved, Who’s Gone 2007

A walk about town is always interesting this time of the year – many merchants have relocated, others have moved on, and there are, as usual, a few new kids on the block. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at who’s new and who’s gone in 2007. Let’s begin with the Washington Street… Read more »

The Nature and Origins of Cuisines

Lately in this column and in Cape May Magazine I have been pondering the nature and origins of cuisines. These ruminations have led to my latest musing. How did we decide what foods to eat? I am not talking about the bizarre or exotic, but items that we routinely eat on a daily basis. There… Read more »

Seaside Equestrians

About three years ago a man by the name of Gene Glasscock rode down Sunset Boulevard on his Tennessee walking horse. He was headed south on a mission to ride on horseback through all fifty states and spread his message of, well, I forget what his message was. But I remember that he didn’t have… Read more »

Mexican Cuisine

My monthly musings on what to write for this column lead me in many directions, most often centering on origins of specific dishes, food items or other quixotic culinary quests, depending on how much caffeine or sugar I have consumed. Lately, I have been wondering on how cuisines evolve and have been absorbed into the… Read more »

A glamorous makeover for the Sea Mist

Editor’s Note: An inaccuracy has been brought to my attention. In my original article I quoted an earlier article which stated that the exterior of The Sea Mist was the work of “the subsequent nine owners.” That is not true. One man – Fred Morrison is responsible for “the look.” We have made that correction… Read more »