Many folks want to plant plants when they see them in bloom. Unfortunately for Hellebores, the Christmas or Lenten rose, the ground is frozen or there is snow everywhere when they’re showing off!

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Many folks want to plant plants when they see them in bloom. Unfortunately for Hellebores, the Christmas or Lenten rose, the ground is frozen or there is snow everywhere when they’re showing off!
April 12 Easter Stroll – Cape May Mayor Edward Mahaney brought the Easter Stroll back to the Washington Street Mall this year. The resu7lt was a wonderful turnout, despite heavy winds. May 16 opening of World War II Lookout Tower. Fire Control Tower No. 23 was part of the immense Harbor Defense of the Delaware… Read more »
Tell us your favorite pictures from 2009! We’ll tally up the votes and show you all the winners next month.
It is a fantasy land with tiny worlds within worlds.
This toy train tableau of miniatures is a giant. The display covers 600 square feet, but the landscape, its population, buildings and transportation systems are diminutive, created not in inches, but millimeters.
Stroll with us through the town of Cape May all dressed up in her holiday finest. is made with love by the team at Cape Publishing
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